Tag Archives: ruedefleurus

Blog Makeover

Before picture, dark theme



I have been getting slightly bored with blogging recently so I decided to change something in order to garner my interest again.  I am all about the functionality and appearance of websites, so I thought that maybe it would be beneficial to change my theme from dark to light.  At first I sorted through some new themes hoping that one would strike my fancy, but the more I looked, the more I was reminded of why I had chosen this theme in the first place.  So instead I went to the background options and picked “white” as the color scheme.

I think that I had chose “black” before because it made the blog appear to have more content then was actually present; however, this doesn’t matter much to me now.  I am a reinspired to continue blogging even if no one will read my ramblings.  At least I will have a place to post quotes, songs, literature, fashion, and artwork without fear of judgement.  So here it goes.  I hope this new theme will ease understanding and make the site feel more welcoming.

Happy reading!






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Filed under musing, success